CRM Job Report October 2023
By Ran Boytner & Dannee Sevonto
All Copy Rights are Reserved, Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™
Vol 30 No 11
Twin Cairns Performance
This area provides independent data about numbers and access to the Twin Cairns Job Board. It is designed to allow users to evaluate access and ROI when searching for or posting jobs on the Twin Cairns Job Board.
Figure 1: Daily job views with paths by which users arrived at the Twin Cairns website this month (Source: Google Analytics 4/GA4)
Figure 2: Average time users spend on the Twin Cairns website per session (Source: Google Analytics 4/GA4)
Figure 3: Market share, FY 2023 (Jan-to date), as total job posts, by company (Source: Data from public records at ShovelBums, and Twin Cairns; Data harvested by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 4: Market share, FY 2023 (Jan-to date), as percentage of all job posts, by company (Source: Data from public records at ShovelBums, and Twin Cairns; Data harvested by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Number of Jobs Posted This Month
This area provides data about the number of jobs posts on the leading CRM job boards: Twin Cairns, ShovelBums and We are aware that Indeed, Monster and other general job boards are used by CRM companies. However, these general job boards are generally used to manage the application process and are not where most employees first learn about a job.
Figure 5: Number of jobs published per month at the leading CRM job board websites (Source: Data from public records at ShovelBums, and Twin Cairns; Data harvested by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 6: Number of jobs published per month for this Fiscal Year (FY) compared with historical monthly averages at the leading CRM job board websites (Source: Data from public records at ShovelBums, and Twin Cairns; Data harvested by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Job Posts
This area records the number of jobs posted for the past twelve & six months by job type. This data illustrates trends in hiring and demand for specific job types throughout the United States. The term ‘Other’ refers to jobs that do not involve field archaeology but are directly related to CRM (GIS, Lab Technician, Museum Curator, etc).
Figure 7: Number of jobs published in the past 12 months by job type (Source: Data from public records at ShovelBums, and Twin Cairns; Data harvested by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 8: Number of jobs published in the past six months by job type (Source: Data from public records at ShovelBums, and Twin Cairns; Data harvested by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Monthly Job Posts by Region
This area breaks down the number of job posts by job type and by region for this month and the last 6 and 12 months. Users may track regional trends. A detailed regional breakdown is available on Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit© Quarterly Reports.
Figure 9: Number of job posts, by type & region, for this month (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 10: Number of job posts, by type & region, for the past six months (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 11: Number of job posts, by type & region, for the past 12 months (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Employer Type
This area provides data about the type of employer hiring within the CRM sector for the past six months. ‘Others’ relate here to the small number of hiring done by nonprofits, museums & universities.
Figure 12: Employer types, for the past six months (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 13: Detailed Employer types for the past six month; ‘Other’ category indicates jobs posted by nonprofits, museums & universities (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Position Type
This area presents data documenting duration of employment offered and breaks it down by position type. We are tabulating temporary vs. permanent job offers.
Figure 14: Position duration for 2023 (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 15: Percentage of permanent positions offered by position type for 2023 (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
This area presents average, maximum and minimum hourly wages offered to CRM sector employees by position and by employer types. While some employers break down upper field management to Project Managers and Principal investigators, most job posts do not include such distinction. Therefore, we aggregate both categories into one class of employees. ‘Other’ refers to positions offered by nonprofits, museums & universities.
Figure 16: Field Tech hourly wages – average, maximum & minimum – for the past 12 months (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 17: Crew Chief hourly wages – average, maximum & minimum – for the past 12 months (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 18: Project Manager/Principal Investigator hourly wages – average, maximum & minimum – for the past 12 months (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 19: Field Tech hourly wages – average, maximum & minimum – for the past 12 months, by employer type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 20: Crew Chief hourly wages – average, maximum & minimum – for the past 12 months, by employer type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 21: Project Manager/Principal Investigator hourly wages – average, maximum & minimum – for the past 12 months, by employer type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Published Wage Data
This area presents the publication of wage data and its inclusion in job posts. This area includes data for all job posts, then a breakdown of wage inclusion by position type.
Figure 22: Percentage of all job posts that include wage data (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 23: Percentage of Field Tech job posts that include wage data (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 24: Percentage of Crew Chief job posts that include wage data (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 25: Percentage of Project Manager/Principal Investigator job posts that include wage data (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Wage Differentials
This area documents hourly wage differentials between Field Techs and other position types. The area tabulates wage differentials between Field Techs and Crew Chiefs and Field Techs and Project Managers/Principal Investigators.
Figure 26: Hourly wage differentials between Field Techs and Crew Chiefs & Field Techs and Project Managers/Principal Investigators (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
This area documents the percentage of jobs where employers list benefits as part of the job post. To be considered as offering benefits, the job post must include health insurance and paid days off. Some jobs offer contribution towards retirement plans (401K and similar). If this is the only benefit offered, we list such job posts as not providing benefits to employees.
It is possible that some job posts do not list but offer benefits to employees. Because benefits are not listed on such posts, these posts are tabulated as offering no benefits.
Figure 27: Benefits offered by position type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 28: Percentage of positions with benefits offered to Field Techs, by employer type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 29: Percentage of positions with benefits offered to Crew Chiefs, by employer type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 30: Percentage of positions with benefits offered to Project Managers/Principal Investigators, by employer type (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Education Requirements
This area presents data on education requirements for the CRM sector. Initially, we document education requirement for the sector as a whole, we then break down education requirement by position type.
Figure 31: Education requirements across the CRM sector (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 32: Education requirements for Field Techs (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 33: Education requirements for Crew Chiefs (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 34: Education requirements for Project Managers/Principal Investigators (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Field School Requirement for Field Techs
This area documents the requirement of a field school as a condition of employment for Field Techs. It first documents the field school requirement for the sector as a whole and then breaks it down by employer type. Regional data is tabulated in our Quarterly Reports.
Figure 35: Sector wide field school requirement as condition of employment for Field Techs, by month (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)
Figure 36: Field school requirement for Field Techs, by employer type & month (Source: Data collected by the Twin Cairns Intelligence Unit™)