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What is the Skills Log Matrix™?
The Skills Log Matrix™ is a list of skills employees in the Environmental Science sector may need to perform their jobs.
Job Seekers: When creating a profile, list all the skills you have and make sure you verify those through a third party, a document upload, or a link.
Employers: List all the skills you need a candidate to have to perform the job. This will allow you to get the right applicants with the matching skill set for the job.
What if my specific skill/skill for my job posting is not listed?
No problem. Choose the – Not Listed – option. A new block will appear – Other Skills – and you will be able to enter the new skill. The new skill will show up in your profile (job seeker) or job post (employer). Twin Cairns continuously reviews the Skills Log Matrix™ and add new skills to the list.
What are the three levels of Skills Log Matrix™ competency?
Basic: Can perform the task with some supervision.
Competent: Can perform the task without supervision.
Advanced: Can perform the task and teach others this skill.
What is the verification process for Skills?
Skills may be verified in one of four ways:
Self–verified: The job seeker self-verifies their skill and level of competence.
Document: The job seeker uploads a document that verifies a specific skill. For example, a first aid course certification form from the Red Cross.
Link: The job seeker links the skill to an established site where the skill is verified. For example, a Registered Archaeologist would copy the link to their directory page from the Register of Professional Archaeologists. This is verification because only currently registered archaeologists in good standing are listed in the online directory.
Third Party: The job seeker designates a direct supervisor or a faculty member who can verify a particular skill. An email goes out to that individual, asking for verification. Once that person verifies the skill and level of competency, the status of the skill for the job user is changed to “verified” and employers may hover over that word and see who the person was who did the verification.
What are the costs to create a Job Seeker profile?
Zero, nada, zip! Job seekers are welcome to create their own, free personal profile and look for jobs. You can always upgrade to a Membership level and enjoy the many benefits Twin Cairns provides.
What are the costs to employers to post a Job?
Employers have several options. Employers may post a single job, or they purchase a package to post several jobs and enjoy other enhanced functions (receive applications online, query pool of available employees, and more). For more details, go to our Pricing page.
What is the verification process for employment experience?
Once a Job Seeker creates a profile and lists prior employment experience, s/he/they also list the name of their direct supervisor or instructor. An email is sent to that supervisor and that person reviews and approves the job seeker’s employment experience. If that person does not approve, the “unverified” text will appear under the verification tab on the job seeker’s profile.
What is with Twin Cairns new browsing and query function?
Employers and Job Seekers may use our advanced query function. You can search by skill (or a group of skills), location, or discipline. The search function is automatic and cumulative. As you continue to make criteria selections, the system will hone the entries in real time to only those job seekers that match your your criteria.
What is the Job Seeker Bookmarking function?
If an employer purchased a Gold Level package or above, they may bookmark a promising job seeker and track their availability on the site. Every time a job seeker changes their profile or date they are available to start work, the update is posted on the employer’s data stream.